Age Verification at OnVapeCiga
At OnVapeCiga, we prioritize compliance with legal regulations regarding the sale of disposable vapes. To purchase any vape products from our online store, you must be at least 18 years old, which is the legal smoking age in many European countries where we operate, including Germany, the Netherlands, Belgium, Spain, France, Portugal, Poland, and Italy.
Prohibition on Purchasing for Minors
It is strictly prohibited to purchase our products on behalf of minors. Violating this policy can lead to legal consequences and undermine our commitment to ensuring that our products are accessible only to adults.
Age Verification Process
We have implemented a comprehensive age verification process to comply with legal standards. When placing an order, you will be required to provide your personal information, including your name, address, date of birth, and a government-issued ID. This information will be used to verify your age against public records. If our initial verification fails, you will need to upload a clear copy of your government-issued ID for further confirmation.
Ret til at nægte tjeneste
OnVapeCiga reserves the right to refuse or cancel any order if proper age verification is not provided in a timely manner. This policy is essential for compliance with legal requirements and maintaining the integrity of our sales practices.
Forpligtelse til ungdomsforebyggelse
Vi er dedikerede til at forhindre mindreåriges adgang til vape-produkter. Vores strenge aldersbekræftelsessystem afspejler vores forpligtelse til at fremme ansvarlig og lovlig vaping-praksis.
Refusal or Limitation of Service
Selvom vores salg foregår online, forbeholder vi os retten til at afvise service til enkeltpersoner, hvis det er nødvendigt. Hvis du mener, at tjenesten er blevet uretfærdigt begrænset, bedes du kontakte vores kundeserviceteam for at få hjælp.
Advarsel om webstedsindhold
Our website prominently displays a warning about the use of electronic cigarettes, emphasizing that you must be of legal smoking age in your country to make a purchase. This serves as a reminder of the importance of adhering to age restrictions.
Hos OnVapeCiga er vi forpligtet til at sikre sikkerheden og lovligheden af vores operationer. Vores aldersbekræftelsespolitikker er designet til at fremme ansvarlig salgspraksis for vores engangsdampe. Ved at følge disse protokoller sigter vi mod at fremme en sikker og kompatibel shoppingoplevelse for alle vores kunder. Tillid OnVapeCiga for a legally compliant vaping solution.